This study was compiled by scientific research publication sheds light on the\nhistorical development of the Turkish automotive industry has been compiled\nfor the period of conservation of the original value. The decline in industrial\ndevelopment in the last century of the Ottomans is directly proportional to\nthe progress of Europe in the last century. This decline in the countryâ??s\npre-republican industry has surpassed to the rise with the subsequent European\ncustoms union agreements. This rise, which is focused on the defense\nindustry in the pre-republican automotive sector, has resulted in successive\nprivate sector expansion with regional agreements. Turkeyâ??s automotive industry\nrise with the European customs union agreement, and alternative regional\nagreements, showed stronger growth. The time of establishment and\nexpansion of the world automotive industry coincides with the last days of\nthe pre-republican Ottoman Empire in our country. Therefore, both the development\nof this sector, as well as information related to transportation in\nthis industry has been experiencing difficulties. Ottoman archives transcription\nstudies state institute of statistics by ten years period the last period statistically.\nBut itâ??s quite old Ottoman archives of Latin translations in the compilation\nof this data with their letter pretty much will take time.